showing 8 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagspersp.
Adventure  Atari;Polyvox (Atari)1980 actionadventure adventureengine castle chiroptera commercial consoleclassix difficulty dragons dragons-western ending evilwizard flashback2.0 flashback3.0 flipscreens forest keys labyrinth langinsignificant license-proprietary medieval meleeweapons noalternatives secrets serious sourcecodeavailable swords thieves walking alabelimagesubject
Adventure II Atari;Syzygy Company2005 adventureengine castle chiroptera dragons dragons-western ending flashback2.0 flashback3.0 forest keys labyrinth langinsignificant medieval meleeweapons swords alabelminimizeminimize
Dragonstomper  Starpath;Arcadia (Starpath)1982 ♫mountainking ♫taps 1life adv-objects alternativesolutions amoeboids axes bossbattles bows bribing cave combatmode containers currency demo doors dragons dragons-western earth encounters-random ending falldamage fantasticearth forest gameplayinn insects keys ladders loot-random magic meleeweapons minions monsters multisequence potions primates resuscitation secrets serious shopping snakes sorcery spiders subterranean supercharger temple town toxins traps walking alabelimagesubject
Halo 2600 Code Mystics;AtariAge2010 aliens bodyarmor bossbattles difficulty firearms flipscreens handguns harmfultouch indoors instantdeath inventory joystick keys langinsignificant lives militantprotagonist music newgameplus nosaves outdoors platformreference powerups projectilelimit serious slowprojectiles title-animated unfixedbugs unlimitedammo unlockable-modes walking wintery alabelminimizeminimize
Haunted House  Atari;Sears (Atari)1981 chiroptera consoleclassix dark doors earth flashback2.0 flashback3.0 ghosts haunting indoors keys lamp mansion nonvisual spiders supernaturalphenomena survivalhorror wands alabelimageminimize
Return to Haunted House Atari;Syzygy Company2005 chiroptera dark doors earth flashback2.0 ghosts haunting indoors keys lamp mansion nonvisual spiders supernaturalphenomena survivalhorror wands labelminimizeminimize
Riddle of the Sphinx Imagic1982 1life actionadventure camels consoleclassix curse difficulty earth egypt egyptian-theme encounters-neutral fatigue healthregen highbornprotagonist hunger inventory keys langinsignificant mapdeficient neutralnpcs nomads noncombpenalty paranormal past pyramid score scorpions serious temple thieves walking wasteland xp-kills alabelimagesubject
Secret Quest Atari (Axlon)1989 alieninvasion aliens alone asphyxiation atlastmoment doors dragons energyweapons flashback2.0 flashback3.0 handguns indoors keys lightsabers meleeweapons score scoreoriented spacestation labelimageminimize